Friday, August 22, 2014

"Hell is other people."

$9.95 - American owned, free TV, hot water

August 22, 1980
Reading Ionesco

Our sanity depends on others’ observing moderation in all things. one of Uncle Albert’s Sentences

The problem with cheap hotels isn’t that they smell funny and then you smell funny the next day; it’s your seven tequila shots past schist-faced neighbors. There’s only so much white noise you can get out of the TV set on no-channel snow at max volume: it can’t drown out the bullshizoku’s and the that’s what I’m sayin’: fornifreculate her and the horse she rode in on’s, the maniacal cackling or the gargle of vomit and splash as insides are poured into the toilet bowl.
          It’s your drunken neighbors; that’s the problem. 

It's not just cheap motels, because you could stay somewhere else.  You could get up, get back on the road, drive all night, and get home smelling no funnier than you already are.  But . . . you’d still have neighbors.
          The real problem is that everyone else is a pig. Or: 
          what you want or need is more important than what anyone else wants or thinks he needs.  You want moderation; they've no real right to drink until they’re schist-faced.  You want quiet; how can they make so aarrgghh! much noise.
          Right. Exactly. Point, set, and match. Now push the puke back down your throats, you booze-basted, deadnecked furps, and shut your pie-holes so I can get some sleep.

I interpret this to include The Other.


  1. Surely you knew, even in 1980, that "hell is other people" was Sartre not Ionesco.

    1. No exit? Actually, I'm sure we stayed at that motel. It was near Sheboygan. We drove hours out of our way because they took dogs. The longest night of my life. Truly, theatre of the absurd, although I didn't appreciate it at the time.
