Sunday, December 23, 2018



As a result of a mother’s desire to protect her son. And it’s not only that she doesn’t want him sticking wet teaspoons into electric sockets; neither does she want him to offend people that might not understand that he didn’t mean it and so would kick his butt.
          “There are people out there you need to be careful of,” she wants to tell him. “Not everyone will love you the way I do. And very few have any patience with those they do not love.
          “So,” she says, taking a long list out of her apron pocket, “here are some things it would be better if you did not even try.”
     “Should I read it right now?” he asks.
     “Of course not,” she says. “You know you can’t read yet. We’ll read it bit by bit, some each night with your books. Soon you’ll know it by heart like you do Brave Cowboy Bill.
     “Only you’ll remember it longer. Much longer,” she says.


Friday, December 21, 2018



[*]  I know no more about time these days than a dog. For him there are six hours a day: get up; eat breakfast; go for a walk; eat supper; go for a walk; go to bed. And every day is the same: There are no days of the week or weeks of the month; there are no months of the year. There are no seasons, only weather. Sometimes it is warm, sometimes cold; sometimes it is wet, sometimes it is dry; sometimes there is snow.
     There aren’t events; there is only what is happening now. Right now, the human being awake in the dark smells anxious. He will get up.
     Now he is limping down the stairs. He is turning on the coffee pot.
     It is always cooler downstairs.
     The coffee pot makes a sound like the human being makes when he is asleep . It has a strong smell, like a skunk in the next block.
     It is not time to get up. I forget what comes after that, but I always remember when it comes.


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The future of the past.

 The future of the past 

Nils Sundstrøm called: “I’ve got something of yours,” he said. “I’ll bring it by if you’re home.” I said I was. “Okay,” I said.

 “Did you remember you had this?” he asked, holding it up. “Because I’ve had it at least a couple of months, and who knows how long Axel had it before that?”
“Axel?” I said. It didn’t look like something Axel would have.
“I think he may have gotten it from Bel Monk,” Nils said, “but it has your name in it.”
“Yeah,” I said. “It’s mine. I did wonder a couple of weeks back maybe, or a couple of months back” - I have a hard time with time: it may have been a couple of years back, or two days ago [*] - “I was wondering what had happened to it.”
“It’s an odd thing for anyone to have - Chinese poems in German,” Nils said. “Where did you get it?”
“Japanese,” I said.
          “From a friend,” I said. “Who was German. He’s dead.”
     “Can you read it?” (What did that mean?)
          “Pretty well,” I said.

“Do you know anything about these guys?” Nils asked, holding up the book again.
          “Not much,” I said. “Something.”
          “Hey,” he said, “do you mind if I come in?” He mimed shivering in his distressed leather jacket with the big pockets on the chest, brass buttons. Nils has adopted the Valley of Virginia’s idea of how cowboys would dress if they had the money and fashion sense of country-western singers. You could do it without money in the local Goodwill and thrift stores if you paid attention, that is, if you made the rounds every week.
          It was an odd look for him, I thought. He had the head for the hat and the shoulders for the coat and the shirts, the hips for the jeans and the feet for the boots, but he couldn’t escape his Midwestern self-consciousness at playing dress-up. He wanted to look comfortable in his skin inside his clothes, but the skin would have been more at ease, I thought, in a watch cap, a Norwegian sweater, heavy wool pants, and snow boots.

Since he still had hold of the book, I said, “Sure,” and stood aside. Doing that, standing aside, made it sound like. “Sure. Come on in” even if I really meant, “Sure, I do mind.” Another one of those things you get into that you don’t want to because you can’t figure a way out of them. For example, couldn’t you have said, “No, just give me the goddam book”?
          Nils took off his hat, as he stepped through the door. Then, he took off his coat, gestured at the sofa and before I could say anything, even nod my head, putting it beside him and his hat on top of it, sat down.

“Bashō,” Nils said. “I’d heard the name before.”
          “Yes,” I said.
          “Sit down,” he said as if it were his living room. I sat down.
          “I like this one,” he said. He read it. His German was good:
Selbst die Krähe, sonst verhaßt,
heute ist sie schön!
He translated: “Winter-morning snow. Even the usually obnoxious crow is beautiful today!
          “Is that right?” he said.
          “Sounds good to me.”
          “And this one,” he said.
Wieder schwand ein Jahr
und ich trage immer noch
Pilgerhut und -schuh.
“Another year gone by,” the German from the Japanese into English: “I am still wearing my pilgrim’s hat and shoes.”
     “Yes,” I said, “but I don’t think ‘pilgrim.’”
     “But . . . .”
     “I know that’s what the German says, but I’ve seen that poem in several English versions. It’s always ‘traveler’ or something like that. I like to think ‘hobo,’” I said, “or ‘tramp.’”

Bashō, to give you a rough idea, was born two dozen years after and died a half-dozen hears before John Dryden. Unlike the English poet/critic/playwright who attached himself to London so that once he arrived he would never leave (except to avoid the plague), Bashō renounced urban and literary life - the society of writers and writers-about-writers - more than once. Then he would leave Edo; he would walk away from “literature” to experience and describe the world. In bits and pieces, the way the world comes to those walking around in it. Everywhere Bashō walked he found something different.

Er war aber Zenmeister,” Nils was saying. He was leafing through the book. “See,” he said,
 Matsuo Bashō war Laienmönch des Zen-Buddhismus . . . .
it said, sure enough.
          “I’ve heard different accounts. Historians seem to disagree,” I said. “I don’t think Zen did anything for him. He went off partly because it didn’t.”

Having watched them at work, I have great respect for historians. Still, even if what they know is precious, they know precious little about the past. The literary historian doesn’t only take pictures of every piece of Bashō paper he can find in every archives that he can find; he flies to Tokyo: he takes his hand lens, his trowel, his brushes, pans, and bottles, and digging down several feet, he peers it into the streets of 17th-century Edo; he crawls hands-and-knees (carefully against the traffic) along the paths the poet traveled to the East and to the North and to the West and to the South; but there are only ashes to be found in his burned-out huts. Still, the historian crawls along the road to collect and classify even if there are to pick up only bits of sand and glass that may have been floating in the air when Bashō was alive.
     Historians know precious little about the past, but they know far, far more than prognosticators, climate scientists, e.g., do about the future. (I am indebted to my friend Gaspar Stephens for this insight.) For while historians know something of the climate of Ogaki in Gifu Prefecture in 1694, let’s say, climate scientists know nothing about future history. Nothing at all. And actually, as far as I can tell, they care nothing about future history.
     A church-historian friend of mine once said to me about faith, that it was better to have questions than answers. For if you had answers, you became fairly certain fairly quickly that you had something better than faith: you had Answers. The same is true of numbers. Why try to see what people may or may not do, why wonder about what discoveries they might make, what ways of thinking they might take up or discard; what they might begin or stop doing; why think about people at all when you have numbers? Never mind, incidentally, that the best numbers don’t go back to 1694, not a third so far.

I didn’t say any of this to Nils. He’d have accused me of waffling, of giving in to the enemy, the dunderheads that don’t believe because they cannot see.
     I don’t see. But neither does Nils. Neither do they, the prognosticators. Or, we all have tunnel vision. We can see what we can see, but what we can’t see we don’t want to. It’s complicated enough as it is without looking there.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Parabolic slider.

 Parabolic slider. 

The problem with writers: This is what they do - they look for connections that aren’t really there, or the words move them to see links that aren’t, so the writers . . . well, they lie.

For example, this last Friday’s post: Kaylee does smell of fennel and ginger, but she doesn’t look that much like Ginger Rogers - really anything like Ginger Rogers. Jesus did walk nearly everywhere; but I’m not thinking that as I leave the house for Corner Coffee; it only occurs to me when Axel begins to wax atrabilious about Jesus’ sayings, particularly the parable that Farah See wrote about in her commentary on The Gospel of Thomas etc.

The parables weren’t writing, but they got written down. Which means they fell into the hands of writers, who began to make connections that weren’t really there, who began to elaborate them, surround them with context, smother them in associations. And the original writers handed them on to more writers, to interpreters - the gospeleers to exegetes, the exegetes to theologians, and the theologians to preachers, all of whom, because they were looking for them, found connections that weren’t there. For parables themselves don’t try to connect anything; they show instead how wondrously disconnected things are.
Ginger (r) and Kaylee
     Axel asked me how I’d preach the elegantly simple, “The kingdom of heaven is like this: When his guest was delayed, the host waited for him.” I said I wouldn’t preach it, because what would I end up doing but what preachers always end up doing, drawing a layered lesson from a beautifully naked puzzle? “Our obsession with time - and timeliness, with punctuality - makes us nothing like the Kingdom of God in the parable. Of course, we live in different times, in far, far different circumstances from those who first heard it, and these we have to take into account. Nevertheless!” And slowly, painfully I’d make my way to “the point,” the purport of which would be to obscure that the point of any parable is that there is none.

“Wait a minute,” Axel is saying. “Doesn’t every parable say something like - at least it implies this: ‘The kingdom of God is like’?”
     Maybe so. But what does it mean to say, for example, “A camel is like a comet out of gas”?

The problem with people: Here’s what we do - we look for connections that aren’t really there; then, we find them. Then, we begin lying about how the connections came about - that they were a product of our looking for them. We pretend instead they were there all along: We didn’t find them, they found us. Next, we begin believing our lies. Soon enough, the lies become true. And the connections that were never there become the way things are.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Axel enochlēmenes

 Axel enochlēmenes

Axel Sundstrøm called. He asked if I wanted to get coffee. I didn’t, so I said, “When?”
     “I was thinking now,” he said. 

Do you have those times, too, when you don’t want to do something but you do it anyway? Actually, it’s more like you don’t want to do anything, so you can’t even say "no" - because that would be doing something.
     I walked down to Corner Coffee. It isn’t far. Jesus walked everywhere.

Axel wanted to talk about Jesus. Or, worse, he wanted to talk about me-and-Jesus. About yesterday’s post, the excerpt from the Rantrage Press commentary on Jesus’ sayings, the one “When his guest was delayed, the host waited for him,” which is actually more than a saying - it’s a parable
     that for some reason wasn’t sitting right with the usually equable Axel: “This made-up stuff - what does it do for you?”
     “I hadn’t thought of it’s doing anything.”
     “Let me put it another way,” he said. “What do you get out of it?”
     “I don’t get anything I’m aware of.”
     “I can’t believe that.”
     “Your psychology hasn’t a category for behavior that isn’t self-serving in some way? I said. “That may be Lutheran, but it doesn’t sound very Christian. Not to me anyway.”
     “Hmmm,” he said, taking a sip of coffee. “Let me start again. How would you preach this parable of yours?”
     “Thank God I’m not a preacher,” I said. “Not a bit of one.
     “Hmmm,” he said again.
     “Do you mind if I get a cup of coffee?” I said. Axel shook his head he didn’t. I took off my fat wool coat and hung it on the back of the chair opposite him. My hat and gloves I’d already laid on the table. I was sweating a bit because, as usual, I'd dressed too warmly.
Ginger for diarrhea.
The barista was Kaylee. She’s a graduate student somewhere else, come here to poke around in Stonewall Jackson’s remains if she can get a court order to exhume what’s left. Or, that’s what she says. I don't think it’s a metaphor though it may be. She looks a little like Ginger Rogers; she smells like ginger and fennel. She’s very observant; still, she’s always cheery. 
     She says,“What’s the matter with Pastor Sundstrøm?”  cheerily.
     I say I don’t know, but it seems to be my fault.
     “Are you a member of his church?” she asks.
     “No,” I said. “No, it’s not that.
      “But,” I said, “I wouldn’t preach the parables at all. I’d just read them. Then pause. Let it sink it if anyone has any place for it to sink into. Then quote the philosopher Joseph of Vienna, ‘Well, there it is.’”
     Kaylee nodded, as if I were making sense. “He paid for your coffee already,” she said, looking toward Axel.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Wating for Klemot

 Waiting for Klemot 

from Farah See’s commentary on The Gospel of Thomas and Other Sayings of Jesus (in the Incoherent series, published by Rantrage Press, 2012, p. 224) –

The so-called unrecorded sayings of Jesus are often difficult to reconstruct. This is a good example, preserved separately in a much-corrupted manuscript yet to be dated. The Greek may have looked like this (or it may not have):
          kai\  ei]pen  au00toi=v  o(  'Ihsou=v:  o(moi&a  e!stin  h(  basilei&a  tw~n  ou)ranw=n.  xroni&zei 
o(  keklhme&nov au)tou=  e1rxetai,  a)pekde&xetai  au'to__n  o(  keklhw&v.

      The kingdom of God is like this: when his guest was delayed, the host waited for him.


This is one of the shortest of the parables, very much like “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who gave his brother a fish(page 211)  or “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls” (Matthew 13:45). There is very little we can know for certain about any of these, however much anyone else has written about them. (Again, see page 211.)  It is, however, worth noting here that the Aramaic of Jesus’ time had no word for “hour” as a measure of time - it is only when Rome sticks its nose in where it does not belong that time gets numbered (Matthew 27:45 and ||s); xroni&zei  (cf. chronos)  in this parable refers to a space in, not a length of, time: That someday a bell would ring and someone would stand at a blackboard under a school clock, draw a line across it and begin to elaborate “historywith hash-marks and numbers representing dates would not have occurred to Jesus*; if it had, he might well have wondered if this were a guest worth waiting for.

     The New Testament may have a word for “late” in the day, but it does not have a word for being “late,” much less the sin of not being on time. Therefore, the guest is “delayed.”
*It did not occur to me until that sixth-grade class that before Jesus the Romans had to subtract to know what year it was, and presumably, what day and time.


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Silent film

 Silent film 

What we like about farce is that it is painfully funny. What we admire about farceurs like Buster Keaton is that they are so damn busy. We're caught up in it. Soon we're laughing too damn hard at the pain of life to worry about death.


Thursday, November 29, 2018

The usual Thursday sh**

 The usual Thursday sh** 

“Great minds think alike - or completely unalike,” Uncle Albert said. “As the case may be,” he added.
     This was this morning. I was helping him into the car; we were on our usual way to see Dr. Feight. Mondays and Thursdays I pick him up. He reads the magazines in the waiting room while I’m in with the doctor, then we eat lunch: sometimes I fix it, sometimes we go out.
     He turned around, back to the car, and sat down. He pulled his legs in one by one. He finally got buckled. I shut the door, walked around the car, got in myself, and restarted the engine. It was cold; there was lots of sun, but it was cold. I hadn’t slept well, and maneuvering Uncle Albert, bundled up in his long wool overcoat, his stupid Cossack hat made of baa-baa-black-sheep, into, and settling him in, the car was a painstaking business - a painful business, especially watching him trying to pull the seatbelt around the increased bulk of the coat, his arms also covered in the thick wool, then his hands in gloves trying to get it latched.
     “Whose great minds?” I said as I buckled my own belt. I never to remember to buckle-up before I start the car. Who knows how many thousands of gallons gas I’ve wasted over the years, how much my idiot start-the-engine-then-fasten-your-belt clan has contributed to global warming.
     “Yours for one,” he said. “And your Cousin Jack’s. Here,” he said, leaning away from me.
     “In my pocket,” he said. The left one of his overcoat, underneath his seat belt. I managed to get three fingers in. A postcard.

 It was hardly mint.
     “I know what you’re thinking,” he said, “but I just got it.”
     I looked at it, tucked it under his lap belt, shrugged. “Monday,” he said, this Monday.”

* * * * *
“So, what do you think?” he said when we were home for lunch. I was heating up some chicken and vegetable soup Roz had put together on the weekend and putting two slices of bread in the toaster. He was sitting at the kitchen table.
     “Did you talk to Feight about it?” he said.

     “About what?” I was pretending ignorance, but I’m not very good at it.
     “You know what,” he said. “This loss of faith business.
     “I did not,” I said. “Instead I told him what a jackass you are - and Jack, too. I told him ‘to hell with both of you and the horses you rode in on.’”
     “But you didn’t mean it,” Uncle Albert said.
     “No,” I said. “I guess not. At least not literally.”

* * * * *
Nothing I say can be taken literally.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Losing faith.

continued from here (bottom of the page).
 Losing faith. 

Sunday morning. About quarter ’til eight. Uncle Albert calls. I think it’s going to be about the Bournemouth-Arsenal game at 8:30. It’s not. It’s about church: Where am I?
     “You don’t remember,” I said.
     Nothing on the other end of the line.
     “Two Sundays ago.”
     “I called you.”
     And nothing.
     Very early in the morning.”
     Still absolutely nothing.
     “I told you I’d lost my faith.”
     “I do remember,” Uncle Albert said.
     “Ergo,” I said [Stage direction: sententiously]: “Ergo, I am not going to church.”
     “I didn’t think you were serious,” Uncle Albert said.

When, in Orwell’s The Clergyman’s Daughter, Dorothy, the daughter, tells Mr. Warburton that she’s lost her faith, he doesn’t believe it. As far as he’s concerned, she never had any. “You never did believe in it [really],” he says. “But I did, really I did!” she replies. “I know you thought I didn’t - you thought I was just pretending because I was ashamed to own up. But it wasn’t that at all. I believed it just as I believe I am sitting in this [railway] carriage.”
     Warburton still doesn’t believe her. She’s always been “too intelligent” to have faith.

And I, I suppose, have, in Uncle Albert’s eyes, been too naïve to have lost it.
     “Why wouldn’t I have been serious?” I asked. “It was four o’clock in the morning.”
     “I thought maybe you just misplaced it,” he said.
     “What does that mean?”
     More nothing on the other end.
     “Here’s what I think,” I said. “Jack can lose his faith, and you believe it.”
     Then, after a pause, there was something on the other end: “That’s different,” Uncle Albert was saying - insisting. There was that in his voice, insistence (as the near-relation to defensiveness). “It’s different, he insisted, but when I asked, he wouldn’t say how.
     “Here’s what I think,” I said again. “Jack can lose his faith, and you believe it. But I can’t lose mine. And it’s because he’s serious, right? - and I am not. He’s thoughtful, and I am a funny little madman, who doesn’t know what he knows and what he doesn’t know.”
     “So, no church,” Uncle Albert said.
     “No, no church.”
     “Bournemouth-Arsenal begin at 8:30?”
     “Yes.” And I said I’d pick him up about a quarter after.

Did I say that, in so many words, “I am a funny little madman”? If so, is that what I meant?
     Maybe it is. I know - and you know - that there are people we take seriously, and there are people we don’t take seriously. It’s not because we don’t care for them, the ones we don’t take seriously; it’s not even that we don’t care what they think. But they seem to hold their opinions lightly; then, so do we.
    So, for example, while Jack tries not to take himself too seriously - he wishes he didn’t take himself as seriously as he does - still, at the end of the day, the Presbyterian minister who left on three weeks’ vacation from the Presbyterian Church in Jefferson, North Carolina, and did not return, is judged a serious man. Everyone thinks so, everyone that has ever known him. He can laugh at himself, we all know, but there’s always a hint of bitterness in the laugh, a bite of chickory.
    On the other hand, Ted (for another example) holds onto everything lightly, because anything could get up and fly away at any minute and it’s good to be ready for that. He holds onto what he knows lightly: he could well be wrong. What he knows of Science could be wrong; History he could well be misreading; the philosophers he thinks he does comprehend could be as misguided as psychologists (psychologists could be only as reliable as fortunetellers). Religion could misconstrue God - it’s likely that religion does misconstrue God.

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
Unlike Science, Philosophy, or Religion, faith (even in Science) doesn’t have to do with what we know but with what we trust. It’s one thing to find out you’ve been wrong about something. It’s another thing to have misplaced your trust.
     And here, it’s not just trust in God, it’s trust in Uncle Albert. (Obviously, I’m the Ted in the example.) When a good Catholic goes to confession, he trusts the priest is listening, that the man on the other side of the screen takes sin seriously, that he can hear where the sinner has gone astray, that he can offer forgiveness and keep a confidence. I guess I expected something similar of Uncle A, not that he could offer forgiveness, but that he took faith seriously and that he listened.
     So much for that.

Arsenal beat Bournemouth 2-1.

Saturday, November 24, 2018



from Gregorius Gruntman’s commentary on Judges (in the Incoherent series, published by Rantrage Press, forthcoming 2019, p. 196): the story found in in 14:1-4a, “Samson’s girl”

XIV. 1 When Samson was down in Timnah, a Philistine girl caught his eye. 2 And when he got home he told his dad and mum. “I saw this girl down in Timnah. Get her for me.”  3 But they replied, “Wait. Isn’t there a girl around here, one of your cousins or, at least, your cousins’ cousins you could like? You have to want the daughter of one of those foreskinned Philistines?”  3 Samson only said, “Get her for me. She’s the one I want.”
     4 His anxious parents didn’t know that their son’s lust was God’s business: He was looking to start trouble with the Philistines.


vi. 1.  Zorah, where Samson’s parents lived - and Samson lived, too, because he was still living at home (Actually, until he will be captured, he’ll always live at home.) - was to Timnah as Borough Park is to Washington Heights, for example.Though it has absolutely nothing to do with this verse, Fabianski’s essay on preference for the niphil perfect participle over the plural cohortative to translate נשׄמע is well worth reading again.
     3. cousins.  אִשָּׁה עַמִּי-וּבְכָל אַחֶיךָ בִּבְנוֹת הַאֵין. More like: one of my brother’s daughters or one of his brother’s daughters. Though it has absolutely nothing to do with this verse, rather because it has nothing to do with tribalism, Fabianski’s essay on preference for the niphil perfect participle over the plural cohortative to translate נשׄמע in Ecclesiastes 12:13 is well worth reading again.
     4.  anxious parents.  וְאִמּוֹ אָבִיו.  lxx ὁ πατὴρ αὐτοῦ καὶ ἡ μήτηρ αὐτοῦ. Literally, “his mother and his father,” but what parents of a narcissist like Samson aren’t anxious - all the time!?
           God’s business. Yahweh’s. He will always be putting His oar in, but Samson is perfectly capable of batting it away.


There are people that: when they want something, figure they should just take it - or better, order someone else to take it for them.

Friday, November 23, 2018

every day

 every (damn) day 

Dear Diary,

You asked about my mental health.

Every day since I’ve returned to Roz’s bed: the radio wakes us, NPR whinging about this and that, especially about how unfair life is and what we should be doing about it. We should be joining these brave people, who are already making things better even if, well, clearly, they’re getting worse. It’s like listening to fingernails on a blackboard. It’s like being in a fifth-grade classroom - Mrs. Brown is going on and on about our sins in greater and greater despair about what little shits we are. My brain knocks its head against the wall of my skull hard enough it hurts; it brings tears to its - and to my - eyes. I pull the covers closer, I put Roz’s pillow over my head.

Only after she’s gotten up, showered, brought up breakfast - that she’ll eat at her dressing table, I’ll eat in bed (a cup of coffee, a slice of toast with butter and jam) - only after she’s dressed and announced that she’s off; only then do I try to get out from under, try to get up, get stuck halfway, try again, and finally stumble into the bathroom with my cold coffee, try to take a shit, begin thinking about taking a shower.
     If the morning extends from six until noon, it is almost half gone. Half of it has wasted away. It hangs empty like yesterday’s clothes on the hook in my closet, yesterday’s clothes that - to hell with a shower - I’m going to put on again today.
                                  Your friend,