Monday, July 3, 2017

The parable of the ewe and her ram

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 The parable of the ewe and her ram 

The kingdom of God - is it like this?

A ewe and a ram were grazing on Mt. Moriah when they heard humans approaching, a grim-faced man, followed by a boy that hurried to keep up. The goats escaped to the rocks from which they watched the man and the boy moving earth and gathering wood, creating a mound. The boy asked the man something in their language; the man shook his head. They waited several minutes. Then the man asked the boy to lie down on the pile of earth and sticks. He tied the boy’s hands and feet. He took out a great knife. 
Then they all heard a third voice, but the goats could not see where it came from. The ram moved around the rock to get a better look and, uncharacteristically, stumbled and fell into a thicket, getting his horns caught in a thorn bush. The ewe heard him bleat in pain. The man heard it, too - he turned in the ram’s direction. He put his great knife back in its sheath. He untied the boy. Together they wrestled her mate free of the bush; they tied his forefeet and his back feet together and put him on the earth with the sticks on top of it. The man took the knife back out of the sheath and with one furious swing of the blade cut her ram’s throat. The blood ran out.
     The man and the boy watched the blood running. Then the man took out a box with two stones, one of which he struck against the other. The sticks caught fire, and the ram began to burn. The smell was intolerable. The ewe bleated once and ran away. And ran away

Is the kingdom of God like this?

For links to other stories from the TRV, click here.


  1. Depends on your point of v - ewe. or whose ox is being gored.

    1. It does. But it also raises the question of why God needs blood and burnt anything at all. Isn't that part of being God, needing nothing?
